Cofounders: | Russian Academy of Sciences; The Institute of Archaeology | |
Publisher: | The publishing house “Nauka”; International Academic Publishing company “Nauka/Interperiodika” | |
International periodical code: | ISSN 0869-6063 | |
Subscription code: | 70822 in a united catalogue “Russian Press” | |
Periodicity: | quarterly issue | |
Annual size: | the approximate number of printer’s sheet is 96 | |
The editorial board and editors’ regular mail address: | 19, Dmitry Ulyanov Street 117036, Moscow, Russia phone and fax: +7 (499)124-3442 E-mail: |
Publisher’s address: | 90, Profsoyuznaya Street, 117997, Moscow Russia | |
Chief Editor: | L.A. Belyaev, Dr. | |
Editorial board: | Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences R.M. Munchaev – the chairman; member of the Academy of Sciences A.P. Derevyanko; member of the Academy of Sciences N.A. Makarov; member of the Academy of Sciences V.I. Molodin; Dr. M.G. Moshkova; Dr. A.A. Tishkin; Prof. Dr. A. Buko (Poland); Dr. M. Wemhoff (Germany); Prof. Dr. T. Darvill (Great Britain); Prof. Dr. J.-P. Demoule (France); Prof. Dr. Ph. Kohl (USA); Ya. Tchekhanovets (Israel). |
Editorial staff: | Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences Kh.A. Amirkhanov; Member of the Academy of Sciences A.P. Buzhilova; Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences P.G. Gaydukov; PhD in History A.N. Gey; Dr. V.I. Gulyaev; Dr. D.S. Korobov – deputy editor-in-chief Dr. N.A. Krenke; Dr. V.D. Kuznetsov; PhD in History O.S. Roumyantseva — executive editor; Dr. A.V. Chernetsov. |
Managing editor: | PhD in History O.V. Gusakova | |
Registration certificate: | №0110150 (04.02.1993) in the Ministry of Press and Information of Russian Federation. |