Leonid A. Belyaev, Ivan N. Ershov, Olga V. Zelentsova, Sergei V. Kuzminykh
Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow (labeliaev@bk.ru, ershovin@yandex.ru, olgazelentsova2010@yandex.ru, kuzminykhsv@yandex.ru)

Key words: the Neolithic, Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, the cultures of textile ceramics, early Middle Ages.

Since 2009 till the present the archaeological works, which lightened anew this extraordinary project of the Patriarch Nikon and early westernization of Muscovy, have been made on the territory of the Voskresensky New Jerusalem Monastery. However the layers of even much earlier settlement of the late Bronze Age – early Iron Age have been found on the Monastery hill. Apart from this the redeposited objects made of stone (the Eneolithic, probably) have been found; an all-cast bronze dagger the typology of which leads to Siberia; a series of jewelry of a Finno-Ugric type dated back to the 9th – 12th cc. summarily and other. There have not been found the layers of those periods on the hill whilst the peculiarity of these finds is their good condition. The article presents all of the earlier finds and suggests the ways of their appearance on the hill of the New Jerusalem Monastery.