Alexey I. Bugarchev

A.Kh. Khalikov Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia


Keywords: dirham, coin, hoard, monetary circulation, the Juchids, the Bolgar fortified settlement, the 14th century. 

The article introduces the hoard of silver coins found in 2016 on the territory of the Bolgar fortified settlement in excavation site CXCII, square 75, and establishes the concealment time of the find. In total, the hoard contained 11 dirhams of Bolgar coinage. A metrological analysis of coins of types С/180 and С/197 with the involvement of the author’s photo archive is given. Based on the depth of the hoard and other coins (pools of the 14th century) in square 75, the author concludes that the hoard was hidden in the late 1320s. Taking into account the previously published materials, the newly found hoard was assigned number 33 A in the order of hoards recorded. The paper also gives information about the topography of single finds of C/180 type and the hoard of 14th century AD dirhams from southern mints. 

DOI: 10.31857/S0869606323040050, EDN: ZVQWOM