Ekaterina A. Armarchuk
Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (katherine-ar@rambler.ru)
Key words: the Golden Horde chalices, jugs, a cup, ceramics “Miletus ware”, funnel base, golden painting.
At the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th cc. seven glazed vessels were found in Belorechensk barrow from which two cashine chalices and two clay jugs are considered to be of the Golden Horde production of the Volga River region and the south-east Crimea of the 14th – the first half of 15th cc. The attribution of the turquoise jug with the gold painting is disputable and suggests the production in Latin Romania, the Crimea or Asia Minor between the 14th–15th cc. The jug with the cobalt painting is, probably, considered to the group “Miletus ware” of the Turkish ware of the 15th c.