Liudmila I. Ivanchenko, Aleksandr P. Motsia

Institute of Archaeology NAS Ukraine, Kyiv (

Key words: Ancient Rus, Baty-Khan invasion, hoards, river Sluch, the fortified settlement Vozvyaglya.

Last decades the subject of Staraya Ryazan distinguishes in the scientific work of A.V. Chernetsov in which new level of research and modern practical results are received. In particular, it deals with tragic events of 1237 when the first victim of the troops of Baty-Khan became Staraya Ryazan and Ryazan Province. Southern Russian lands became the next after Northern-Eastern Rus on the way of the Mongols which include small town Vozvyagl on the river Sluch. The events of 1256–1257 connected with his death and resulted in bright archaeological evidences identify the last stage of becoming a new power on the South of the Eastern Slavic world.