Aleksandr A. Maslennikov

Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: rural territory of European and Asian Bosporus, borders, land relations, settlements, chronology, typology, periodization, archaeological materials.

The article summarizes the results of archaeological research on the sites of the 3rd – 2nd centuries BC in the rural territory of the ancient Bosporan state obtained in the last decade, including materials from the excavations in the Crimean Azov littoral and in the southern part of the Taman Peninsula. The author discusses the issues of the borders of the Bosporan possessions, the system of land management and land property relations, the number, typology and chronology of settlement structures. Special attention is paid to the “dynamics” of their development. Some historical reconstructions are offered. Radical changes on the territory in question at the turn of the first and second quarters of the 3rd century BC resulted in a general significant decrease in all preceding “indicators”. Then on a significant part of the territory a certain “revival” of settlements and economic life was observed, the peak of which fell on the second and third quarters of the same century. Later, there is a general regression evidenced by almost complete desolation of the greater part of the Chora of Bosporus by the late 2nd century BC.

DOI: 10.31857/S086960630005668-3